Everybody has been to Miaokow. But, have you ever notice the main god worshipped at the Dian-ji Temple? This ancient temple is 120-year-old. The story began at the first year of Guang-syu period of Ching dynasty. Originally, the ancestors of Keelung from Changchou in Fukien province built a small temple on Wai-mu Mountain to enshrine the Divine Ancestor of their hometown. With the help of Keelung’s donators and the owner of Lin’s Garden in Ban-ciao—the family of Ban-yuan, Lin donate a land—the respectable and well known Dian-ji Temple was thus established. The connection between Lin’s family and Keelung was rooted in the same origin of Changchou, Fukien. They worship their Ancestor Divine—Yaun-guang, Chen.
Can you imagine it? The prosperous Miaokow had experienced two wars for the past 120 years. At the first year of Japanese rule, Taiwan citizen were fighting against Japanese government. Dian-ji Temple was terribly damaged because of the indefinable explosion of torpedo and immediately renovated. Dian-ji Temple was rebuilt to combined the right side Cing-ning Temple(Traders and fishermen enshrine god of daffodil—a small temple of Da-yu, facing Ai-sih Rd.)because of the ants’ damage soon after. Dian-ji Temple was destroyed again by the severe attacks in WWII. Taiwan was terribly bombed, not to mention Keelung. The destruction in wars was terrible. The temple was reconstructed to its magnificent view nowadays. Once you know the story, you might realize that you never properly visit Dian-ji Temple and experience its historical characters when you visited Miaokow. The latest renovation of Dian-ji Templ is the broaden construction of temple square in Art Festival of Keelung in 1997.
The legend of St. King of Changchou is the martial art champion in Tang dynasty. He suppressed the rebellions in Minyue borders and proposed the establishment of Changchou. He served as the government official and performed excellent. He was enshrined by local people after he died and became the tutelary god. He was continually worshiped by people until now. There is also great banquet celebrates his birth on February 15 in Chinese lunar calendar.
奠濟宮為基隆市區最大型的廟宇,我們可由入廟的階梯數多寡來分辨廟宇的大小以及參禮神祈地位的高低。開漳聖王在一般民間信仰的道教神民排行上並不很高,但是在漳州移民心中的地位卻是至高無上的。因此基隆以”七階” 大廟來供奉聖王,所以也稱奠濟宮為”聖王宮廟”。
Dian-ji Templ is the biggest temple in Keelung city. We can distinguish the size of temple and the position of enshrined god from the step of the entering stair.The position of St. King of Changchou is not considered to be high in the Taoism god ranking of folk religion. However, the status of St. King of Changchou is esteemed. Therefore, they use a great temple with “seven steps” to enshrine St. King. It is also called “Temple of St. King.”
There are stone carvings on the door of Dian-ji Temple The art works are delicate and vivid. The shapes of stone carvings include crabs, shells and other sea world animal. It represented that the ancestors of Keelung relied on the ocean to make their livings. Before you enter “three stream door”, there is a carved statue of ancient warrior with a “flag” in his right hand and a “ball” in his left hand on the right wall. The left side of the wall is a carved statue of ancient warrior with an ancient weapon called “ji” a tapping tool for leading military, cing, in his hands. With a sense of humor, ancestors adopts its meaning as “praying for luck and celebration.”
Miaokow is considered to be the most prosperous area in Keelung. The area is prospered under the establishment of an ancient temple. Dian-ji Temple has played a significant role in the development of Miaokow. 姓名:陳美如
資料來源:基隆廟口飲食攤販小組 Team of food stands in keelung Ren-San Road